1A Petition File Download Archive

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These petitions are not ballot petitions, these are First Amendment Petitions that are specifically designed to demand government at different levels to comply to the Constitution. At the Bottom of the page is the history of petitions and why we have a First Amendment right to petition Government. We have also include the lawsuits that have spun from previous First Amendment Petitions which are based upon the government’s failure to respond.

Please keep in mind, neither Congress, the State, or local governments can “MAKE NO LAW… ABRIDGING… THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE… TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.”

This means that cannot limit a petition by “time” giving you only so much time to collect signatures or limiting your time in presenting your petition, nor can they require a format in writing or in oral petitions to instruct them regarding their Constitutional obligations and infractions.

They cannot limit our petitions to “registered voters.” First Amendment Petitions are a “Citizens” right not a voters right, which is why the Fourteenth Amendment states “NO STATE SHALL MAKE OR ENFORCE ANY LAW WHICH SHALL ABRIDGE THE PRIVILEGES OR IMMUNITIES OF CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES.” To be clear, this is why government and the courts have perverted this right into having citizens believe that breaking the law by protesting with civil disobedience is a right, when it is not nor is it protected by the Constitution.

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Enumeration (In Work)
This petition is currently being prepared. Please check back for progress.

Petition 002 For Redress Foreign Sovereignty Treaty

This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article II, Article III, Article IV, Article VI, Article VII, and the Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, for creating and maintaining treaties with polities without the enumerated power for the specific treaty to be made. This petition explains that the only powers delegated are regard to war, and commerce.
All three branches of our federal government have abdicated their sworn duty to support the Constitution by creating, ratifying, and maintaining treaties that surrenders the sovereignty of the Union and the States allowing both to be regulated by foreign powers as well as separating and isolating citizens of the union to a disparate governance within a sovereign state where the federal government possesses no delegated authority to do this. 
In fact, the Supremacy Clause is clear that the federal government can only make treaties that are “under the authority” delegated to them by the States.

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Petition 003 To Repel The Invasion
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances to our government is directed, through our County Legislators regarding our State Legislatures’ failure to hold the federal government responsible for violating Article I, Article IV, Article VI, and the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution for the United States, which states in part that it must protect all States against invasion by repelling the invasion.
In Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution for the United States of America, referred to as the Guarantee Clause, it states that “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Governmentand shall protect each of them against Invasion.” 
In Article I Section 8 the federal government must “establish an uniform rule of naturalization” and in Article I Section 9 regulating the importation of person in a uniform standard in concert with the uniformity clause in Article I Section 8 as well as the power delegated to Congress in Article I Section 8 subsection 15, the power to call “forth the Militia” to “repel invasions” to stop and repel all invaders in America today.
The Constitutional requirement is clear that Congress must federalize and deploy the States Militia to the Border to seal the border and to sweep the nation to repel the invaders from the U.S

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Petition 004 For Corp-Entity Violating Civil Rights
This petition demands State legislatures prosecute and if necessary shutdown businesses who violate our civil rights of assembly and to gather petition signatures for petitioning government for the redress of grievances.

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Petition 005 Public Servant Violates Privileges or Immunities of Citizens of the United States
This petition is specifically designed
This First Amendment Petition is specifically designed to remove Governor Hochul’s violation of her of office for directly violating the Constitution with her state-wide mask mandate, an array of executive orders designed to strength “Red Flag Laws” in violation of the 2nd Amendment, and the establishment of Quarantine Camps. The Fourteenth Section 1 states that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” There is no allowable exception to this restriction placed upon the States, not even “State Emergency Powers” can override the Constitutional protection of the Citizen.
This should and can serve as a template to go after any tyrant in office who violates their oath of office.

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Petition 006 DoT A Violation Against The Constitution
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article III, Article V, Article VI, and the First, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, for creating and maintaining the Department of Transportation; after President’s Madison, Monroe, and Jackson all vetoed Congressional attempts to usurp this power from the States in the union, with each President stating that this power does not exist within the Constitution and MUST be amendment before this power can be legitimately assumed.
This petition is the foundational argument against all other powers unconstitutionally assumed, such as the Departments of Energy, Education, Interior, Housing, Labor, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Home Land Security, and Justice; along with other roles, responsibilities, powers, or properties assumed such as the Environment, the Federal Reserve, and etc..

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Petition 007 Gold Silver Currency
This petition signature sheet covers a series of petitions to stop the further changing of our currency to a digital currency as well as requiring we restore our only Constitutional currency to being precious metal coins. This series of three petitions establish an irrefutable Constitutional argument presented in petitions: 
Petition 002 – The federal government cannot make or ratify a treaty regarding a matter that is not enumerated within the Constitution; 
Petition 008 – the federal and state courts jurisdiction  are tied to those objects enumerated in the Constitution and the judiciary cannot make law nor can they define or interpret the meaning of the Constitution;
and Petition 007 proves that no state government can allow any thing other than Gold and Silver coins to be the legal tender for the payment of debts.

To date, the States have NEVER amended the Constitution for the United delegating the ability for the federal government to producing a currency other than precious metal coins principally based upon gold and silver. The paper and electronic currencies in use today are not authorized by the Constitution via the States; therefore, they are unconstitutional. Whether the intention are noble or not, the authority of governments are solely based upon our Constitutions and as James Madison stated in 1800:

“The authority of constitutions over governments, and of the sovereignty of the people over constitutions, are truths which are at all times necessary to be kept in mind; and at no time, perhaps, more necessary than at present.”

Thus, signing this one petition sheet will be signing all of these petitions

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Petition 008 For Redress Of Violations Of Legislative Authority
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article II, Article III, Article VI, Article VI, and the First and Fourteenth Amendments, for by failing to constrain legislative powers to Congress ONLY. Neither the Executive nor the Judicial branch possess any legislative power or authority within the Constitution and it’s ratified amendments. Bottom line, neither a case ruling nor an Executive Order can create law neither can the Executive nor Judicial branch redefine terms and definitions already established by the States during the process ratification of the federal Constitution.
Furthermore, the judiciary cannot extend its jurisdiction beyond the few objects delegated to it within the Constitution. Their jurisdiction only extends to those things “arising under this Constitution,” or laws and treaties that are made in pursuance to the Constitution (i.e. under the delegated authority of the Constitution by the States).

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Petition 009 Government and Medical Establishments
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article III, Article V, Article VI, and the First, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, for by failing to constrain the roles, responsibilities, powers, and properties (RRPPs) to those objects enumerated in the Constitution. This petition builds off Petition 006 which proves the federal government cannot possess or exercise the RRPPs established in the Department of Transportation; therefore, the possess or exercise a RRPP regarding health, healthcare, disease, or medicine matters without these RRPPs being enumerated with the Constitution is clearly a violation of the Constitution.
Furthermore, this petition also builds off Petition 008, where the judiciary cannot extend its jurisdiction beyond the few objects delegated to it within the Constitution. Their jurisdiction only extends to those things “arising under this Constitution,” or laws and treaties that are made in pursuance to the Constitution (i.e. under the delegated authority of the Constitution by the States). Consequently, the fact that they validated these matters regarding health, healthcare, disease, or medicine was unequivocally a violation of the Constitution as well.

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Petition 010 Department of Commerce (In Work)
This petition is currently being prepared. Please check back for progress.
Petition 011 State Land Sovereignty and Ownership (In Work)
This petition is currently being prepared. Please check back for progress.
Petition 012 Dept of Commerce A Violation Against The Constitution
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article III, Article V, Article VI, and the First, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, for creating and maintaining the Department of Energy; in conformity to the three Presidential Vetoes regarding Congress assuming RRPP’s that would be the footings for a Department of  Transportation; that the Department of Commerce and its RRPPs that are a direct and palpable violation to the compact must be disbanded and dissolved.

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Petition 013 DoI A Violation Against The Constitution
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article III, Article V, Article VI, and the First, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, for creating and maintaining the Department of Energy; in conformity to the three Presidential Vetoes regarding Congress assuming RRPP’s that would be the footings for a Department of  Transportation; that the Department of Interior and its RRPPs that are a direct and palpable violation to the compact must be disbanded and dissolved.

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Petition 014 Dept of Energy A Violation Against The Constitution
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article III, Article V, Article VI, and the First, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, for creating and maintaining the Department of Energy; in conformity to the three Presidential Vetoes regarding Congress assuming RRPP’s that would be the footings for a Department of  Transportation; that the Department of Energy and its RRPPs that are a direct and palpable violation to the compact must be disbanded and dissolved.

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Petition 015 EPA A Violation Against The Constitution
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article III, Article V, Article VI, and the First, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, for creating and maintaining the Department of Energy; in conformity to the three Presidential Vetoes regarding Congress assuming RRPP’s that would be the footings for a Department of  Transportation; that the Department of Energy and its RRPPs that are a direct and palpable violation to the compact must be disbanded and dissolved.

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Petition 016 Federal Engineering A Violation Against The Constitution
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article III, Article V, Article VI, and the First, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, for creating and maintaining the Department of Energy; in conformity to the three Presidential Vetoes regarding Congress assuming RRPP’s that would be the footings for a Department of  Transportation; that any form of Engieering by the federal government is not within the RRPPs delegated in the Constitution and are a direct and palpable violations to the compact must be disbanded and dissolved.

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Petition 017 Geoengineering A Violation Against The Constitution
This petition signature sheet covers a series of petitions to stop Geoengineering and the construction of the CO2 Pipeline. This is a series of nine petitions that establish an irrefutable Constitutional argument presented in petitions: Petition 002 – The federal government cannot make or ratify a treaty regarding a matter that is not enumerated within the Constitution; Petition 006 – the federal government cannot assume any role, responsibility, power, or property (RRPP) like the Department of Transportation (DoT) unless the States formally grant the RRPPs in the Constitution or an Amendment; Petition 008 – the federal and state courts jurisdiction  are tied to those objects enumerated in the Constitution and the judiciary cannot make law nor can they define or interpret the meaning of the Constitution; Petition 012 – proves the Department of Commerce (DoC) is a violation of the Constitution like the DoT; Petition 013 proves the Department of Interior is a violation of the Constitution like the DoT and the DoC; Petition 014 proves the Department of Energy is a violation of the Constitution like the DoT, DoC, and the DoI;  Petition 015 proves the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a violation of the Constitution like the DoT, DoC, DoI, and the DoE; Petition 016 proves the federal government has no enumerated RRPP to engineer or manipulate markets, or fields of science; and Petition 017 proves that the federal government or state government cannot engage in or apply any form of geoengineering within the United States.
To date, the States have NEVER amended the Constitution for the United States nor have the people amended the Iowa State Constitution delegating a RRPP granting the ability to operate, exercise, or possess geoengineering applications or systems like 1) a Carbon Capture Storage system, 2) the ability to manipulate fuels forcing the use of Ethanol, 3) the application of stratospheric and tropospheric aerosol spraying to manipulate our nation and the earth climate. Furthermore, there are no amendments to either the federal or states Constitutions granting these governments the ability to regulate the air, land, or our water whatsoever. Whether the intention are noble or not, the authority of governments are solely based upon our Constitutions and as James Madison stated in 1800:
The authority of constitutions over governments, and of the sovereignty of the people over constitutions, are truths which are at all times necessary to be kept in mind; and at no time, perhaps, more necessary than at present.”
Thus, signing this one petition sheet will be signing the petition

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Signature sheet cover page are specific, so here is a sample signature sheet with an additional sheet 2 for signatures:

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This document is for sheet 3 and on for getting signatures.

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